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Raw Cutz update, where did we go??......where are we going next!?


You may have been wondering what we have been up to at Raw Cutz HQ for the last 6 months and its probably a good time to let you guys know. First up we created this new super simple site where you can get the heads up on whats going on with us, news, competitons, previews and unreleased taster packs will all be coming this way really soon.

We realised that maintaining an Ecommerce site and selling is just not what we are about - our great partners at are much better at that than we are so we are going to leave that to the big boys!

We are keeping to our game and main focus which is to create the most inspirational sound packs that we can possibly muster - and so first up we managed to get the gig to make the latest Maschine Expansion pack via Native Instruments, and if you saw our last blog post you will see that we just pushed out "Prospect Haze" which took us around half of last year to learn the software and create over 50 all original kits.

It was a lot of work, but after all that we really learned that while we love the SP1200, MPC60 and all our old gear - that when we are putting our packs together from our raw samples - the Maschine is just about the best thing since sliced bread - so we adopted a new child into the Raw Cutz family, and "Lil Maschine" is its name.

We have also been inspired and have created packs in both Maschine and raw sample and loop formats for all types of producers which we are super excited to be releasing every month at Loopmasters - starting end of Feb 2015... so keep your eye out for the new sound of Raw Cutz...

We wanted to also clear one thing up about the content at Loopmasters. Currently you see packs SP1-30 which are our original series and which you can buy individually at Loopmasters and collectively you can buy all 30 packs at a great discount price as the Super Pack

We wanted you to know that nearly all of the material on the Prospect Haze Maschine pack from Native Instruments is fresh material, and also that all the stuff coming from us after SP30 is also fresh - we had a rebrand and a fresh look which confused some people so we wanted to lay it out for you guys so you are no

We just got back from California and the Namm Show which was very inspiring, meeting lots of cool people and now ready for a great year - which we also want to extend to all of you, our friends around the world.

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